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Toyota Recall Information Page

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Filed under Automotive, Technical, Toyota

The recent recall of many Toyota models has raised crucial questions about the impact on the automotive industry. While it is too early to fully measure,, the online authority in car pricing transparency, has been analyzing the situation, and providing insight to those seeking detailed information on the event and how it will effect both consumers and dealers.  Hoping to assist consumers that are overwhelmed with the news, TrueCar has created a Toyota Recall page, which will be continuously updated with news and information on sales, pricing, and incentives for the recalled Toyota models.   It also identifies a list of comparable cars for consumers who were in the market to buy one of the “stop sell” Toyota models but have since decided against it.  In addition to the Toyota Recall page, TrueCar has written a blog with more basic information on the recall. Be sure to visit both pages often, as they will be updating frequently with the latest information on the events.


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