Posts by Tag: headlights»


A Glaring Issue: Regulatory Hurdles Hinder Advanced Automotive Lighting Technology

A Glaring Issue: Regulatory Hurdles Hinder Advanced Automotive Lighting Technology

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Today’s automotive technology has afforded us countless benefits of being safer on the road. However, some advanced technologies, such as those surrounding automotive lighting, have yet to make it to  Full Article »


New LED Automotive Headlights Have a ‘Glaring’ Issue In America – What Do We Do?
May 11, 2023 Ξ Comments Off on New LED Automotive Headlights Have a ‘Glaring’ Issue In America – What Do We Do?

New LED Automotive Headlights Have a ‘Glaring’ Issue In America – What Do We Do?

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I’ve said it for many years, automakers need to really step it up when it comes to their headlights, and the US government needs to mandate and allow manufacturers to  Full Article »


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