

Ford CEO Jim Farley: Top Priority To Dramatically Improve Quality to Match Toyota

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In the fast-paced world of automotive manufacturing, staying ahead requires more than just innovation; it demands constant adaptation and a commitment to excellence. Ford CEO Jim Farley recently shed light on the company’s journey toward improving quality to match industry leader Toyota, highlighting both the challenges faced and the strides made in this critical aspect of their business.

Farley’s candid remarks at the Wolfe Research Global Auto Conference in New York underscored the pivotal role quality plays in Ford’s strategy. Acknowledging costly lessons learned since assuming leadership in October 2020, he emphasized the need for a fundamental reset in engineering, supply chain, and manufacturing capabilities. This reset, Farley admitted, was more profound than initially anticipated, requiring a shift in mindset and execution across the organization.

One of the key revelations was the necessity for a culture shift in performance management. Farley noted the stark difference in accountability between past practices, where managers were often rewarded regardless of quality outcomes, and the current system where all managers are held responsible for the quality and cost-effectiveness of their work. This change in approach has already begun to yield tangible results, with initial quality showing a promising 10% improvement.

While addressing quality issues has been a primary focus, Ford’s transformation extends beyond manufacturing operations. Farley highlighted the company’s efforts to adapt to the evolving automotive landscape, particularly in the realm of electric vehicles (EVs). Despite initial missteps, including underestimating demand and facing supply chain challenges, Ford is determined to compete with industry frontrunners like Tesla.

The creation of a specialized team in California dedicated to developing affordable EVs underscores Ford’s commitment to innovation. Led by former Tesla engineer Alan Clarke, this team represents a departure from traditional industrial practices and is driving rapid progress in electric vehicle technology. Farley’s acknowledgment of the team’s achievements reflects Ford’s willingness to embrace change and explore new avenues for growth.

Additionally, Ford’s success in the commercial vehicle sector, particularly through its Ford Pro division, highlights the company’s adaptability and focus on diversification. By leveraging technology and focusing on customer needs, Ford Pro has become a significant revenue generator, with substantial potential for future growth.

Farley’s insights offer a glimpse into Ford’s ongoing journey toward quality excellence and innovation. While challenges remain, the company’s proactive approach and willingness to learn from past mistakes position it well for future success. As Ford continues to prioritize quality improvement and technological advancement, it remains a formidable force in the automotive industry, poised to meet the demands of an ever-changing market landscape.

Source: Automotive News (subscription required)


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