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Ford Reverses Decision To Axe AM Radio and Decides to Keep It On 2024 Models
May 23, 2023 Ξ Comments Off on Ford Reverses Decision To Axe AM Radio and Decides to Keep It On 2024 Models

Ford Reverses Decision To Axe AM Radio and Decides to Keep It On 2024 Models

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In a recent announcement, Ford CEO Jim Farley revealed that the company has decided to reverse its previous decision and reinstate AM radio in its new vehicles. This change comes  Full Article »


Scion’s “Radio 17” Revs Up With Fresh Music Stations
Jan 5, 2009 Ξ Comments Off on Scion’s “Radio 17” Revs Up With Fresh Music Stations

Scion’s “Radio 17” Revs Up With Fresh Music Stations

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We know that Scion is one of the latest youth crazed Automotive Makes. Toyota is taking it to a new level into the youth culture directly injected into their ears  Full Article »


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